Modern vs. Contemporary Art – Key Differences Explained

Alright, folks, imagine you’re strolling through an art gallery, sipping on your latte, and pondering life while gazing at some mind-bending artwork. Suddenly, you start wondering, “What’s the deal with Modern Art and Contemporary Art? Aren’t they kinda the same thing?” Well, my art-loving friend, you’re not alone in that thought bubble.

Modern vs. Contemporary Art - Key Differences Explained

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | A French Neoclassical painter

Hey there, let’s talk about Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), the French painter who left a mark on art history. He saw himself as a history painter, following in the footsteps of greats like Nicolas Poussin and Jacques-Louis David. But here’s the twist – by the end of his career, it was his portraits that stole the limelight.

Paintings by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres